суббота, 20 сентября 2008 г.

What sort of textual critic are you?

Peter M. Head недавно составил список, который позволит оценить, насколько глубоко вы проникнуты духом текстуального критицизма Нового Завета ;-)

  1. You can define 'hermeneiai' and discuss their significance.
  2. You know what 'vid' means.
  3. You have an opinion on whether P4, P64 and P67 are from a single manuscript.
  4. You know why 1739 is more important that 1738 and 1740.
  5. You probably own more Greek New Testaments than any of your immediate colleagues.
  6. Before you travel to a new town you check to see what manuscripts are there.
  7. You have studied a load of languages (although some of us can't remember all the vocab).
  8. You just know that dots are difficult to date.
  9. You regularly consult and refer to books that are more than a hundred years old.
  10. Even your academic friends think some (all?) of your publications are obscure and technical.

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