суббота, 11 октября 2008 г.

Some Reflections on the Role of Women in the Church: Pragmatic Issues

Daniel Wallace recently published an article "Some Reflections on the Role of Women in the Church: Pragmatic Issues" at www.bible.org. Some day I would love to see from him the article on "Some Reflections on the Role of Women in the Theological Seminary: Pragmatic Issues".

...I too would think that it’s inconsistent for women to be missionaries if they are not allowed to preach at home. For this reason, I urge men to go to the mission field. Not that I don’t want women there! But the men should lead the way, as historically they usually have. It is to our shame that women in the church are often taking the most dangerous and risky jobs while the men sit back home in a more comfortable setting. Another approach that some complementarians hold about women missionaries in the lead is that these women are permitted by scripture to do this, but their act of bravery and self-sacrifice should cause men to realize that they are not doing their job. (The model is Deborah in Judges 4-5.) In other words, women leading on the mission field should shame men, and God will use plan B if the men aren’t doing what they’re supposed to. If such an interpretation is correct, then it would certainly not be wrong for women to go to the mission field and to start churches and preach in them. But it would be wrong for men to sit idly by and think that the Great Commission should be fulfilled just by women!

You can read the whole article here or download it from here (doc).

1 комментарий:

  1. Yevgeniy - Евгений29 октября 2008 г. в 02:32

    I have female professors and fellow students in my seminary, and to be honest, they are not lacking in these roles in any way comparatively to males. Except if a woman was conditioned during her upbringing to act in some ridiculous supposedly "feminine" way. Such would have a hard time to convince others to take them seriously as scholars.
