вторник, 23 декабря 2008 г.

Academic Phrases – And What They Really Mean

I got these “Academic Phrases…” from one of my best friends. Thanks a lot! We do need to learn them by heart fot getting our PhDs :-)

The following list of phrases and their definitions might help you understand the mysterious language of science and medicine. These special phrases are also applicable to anyone working on a Ph.D. dissertation or academic paper anywhere!

  • "It has long been known"... I didn't look up the original reference.
  • "Three of the samples were chosen for detailed study"... The other results didn't make any sense.
  • "Typical results are shown"... This is the prettiest graph.
  • "In my experience"... once.
  • "In case after case"... twice.
  • "In a series of cases"... thrice.
  • "It is believed that"... I think.
  • "It is generally believed that"... A couple of others think so, too.
  • "Correct within an order of magnitude"... Wrong.
  • "According to statistical analysis"... Rumor has it.
  • "A statistically oriented projection of the significance of these findings"... A wild guess.
  • "It is clear that much additional work will be required before a complete understanding of this phenomenon occurs"... I don't understand it.
  • "After additional study by my colleagues"... They don't understand it either.
  • "Thanks are due to Joe Blotz for assistance with the experiment and to Cindy Adams for valuable discussions"... Mr. Blotz did the work and Ms. Adams explained to me what it meant.
  • "It is hoped that this study will stimulate further investigation in this field"... I quit.

1 комментарий:

  1. Yevgeniy - Евгений27 декабря 2008 г. в 19:05

    Ha-ha. I recognized myself a couple of times. And I'm not even at PhD level.
